L'exploration et la production pétrolière en Afrique depuis 2014 - IFRI
En règle générale, le taux de production pétrolière d'un champ pétrolifère commence par le forage du puits de découverte, suivi d'un puits d'évaluation. Par la ... 
L'avenir du travail dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière - ILOSituation caractéristique dans l'industrie pétrolière : les bénéfices ne sont pas en rapport avec les investissements, ils dépendent davantage de la richesse de. L'exploration et l'exploitation pétrolières en mer - SénatCette production comprend le pétrole brut, les liquides de gaz naturel (LGN) et les additifs. Le pétrole brut est une huile minérale constituée d'un mélange d' ... Pétrole et Gaz - ALSF AcademyLa production mondiale de pétrole brut a progressé de 66 % durant les 41 années écoulées entre 1971 et 2012. En 2012, la production a atteint 4 142 millions de ... Introduction to Microsoft PowerPointA PowerPoint presentation only needs to be created once, but can be delivered in several ways: ? Slide Show Presentation: A slide show presentation can utilize ... Seven Steps to Creating an Accessible PowerPoint Slideshow ...Preview the recorded slideshow by clicking From. Beginning on the. Slide Show tab. Page 4. Recording a slideshow in Powerpoint 2016 is the same as above. You ... Guide to Better PowerPoint Presentations - California CourtsThe PowerPoint Formatting toolbar offers an easy way to format your text. Using this toolbar, you can change font, size, color, alignment, and text spacing. Handout on How to Record a Slideshow in PowerpointOnce all the PowerPoint slides are uploaded, the next thing is to comment on your presentation. Page 7. When you select comment, your VoiceThread presentation ... VoiceThread-Make-PowerPoint-presentations.pdfIf you use videos and sound in PowerPoint, you need to make sure that you keep all of those files together when sharing your presentation with others. An easy ... Sharing PowerPoint Presentations in which you have used Video or ...If Microsoft PowerPoint is not functioning well while you are using Google Meet, you can present your. PowerPoint presentation using Google Slides quickly and ... Present your PowerPoint using Google SlidesTry this guideline: each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. FONTS. San ... best practices for powerpoint presentations - MIT Alumni AssociationIt is important for every slide to have a unique title. This allows for easier navigation through the presentation for all users. Slide titles in PowerPoint - Tseng CollegePowerPoint slides are simply a tool you use to better communicate. You shouldn't need your slides to stay on topic. If you need notes to stay on track, then use ...